From the class, we focused on the topic of shareholders’ value. Shareholder wealth maximization is the most vital part that should be considered when the managers and leaders make financial decisions. There are many critical standard to analyse the value creation, such as, revenue, dividend, reputation, P/E, ROCE and EBITDA. Personally, dividend has much closer relationship with shareholders’ benefits.
Generally, stock price is relevant to the dividend. If the company has a high share price in the stock market, which means the company gains more investors and shareholders are more likely to receive more dividend at the ens of one financial year. Also, such pleasant situation enables these shareholders continue to invest the corporation. Therefore, investors may use one corporate dividend data to assess its financial performances.
However, the fierce competition among the same industries results in some uncertain factors of sale revenues, profits and dividends. In order to bring to unnecessary argument on the value creation, the company would like to increase the dividend steadily rather than dramatically raise to attract investors. Such strategic choice even used when the organization’s profits declined, this means the company would still improve shareholders’ dividend even though the financial performances are poor.
From the BBC website, I find a news on 30 September 2013, the title was Energy firm SSE to raise dividend despite retail loss. The company claimed that higher wholesale gas prices, higher costs and lower energy consumption attribute to the retail loss, but SSE added it was on course to raise payouts to shareholders by more than inflation. Manager’s explanation for this action was the firm;s wholesale and networks divisions were expected to be profitable in the six months, which could achieve an increase of more than RPI inflation in the dividend it paid to shareholders.
The normative dimension concerns duties, responsibilities, and rights of the various stakeholders, with particular attention to the fiduciary and stewardship roles of management. Normatively, management should have strong fiduciary duties toward shareholders. Therefore, on the one hand, the corporation increased shareholders' dividend is to pacify shareholders' emotions and make them to believe that the management has the capacity to overcome the risk.
Some principles can help the company to maximize shareholders value. Firstly, company should not manage earnings or provide earnings guidance. Corporations tend to compromise value when they invest at rates below the cost of capital or forgo investment in value-creating opportunities in an attempt to boost short-term earnings, if they strongly focus on profits target. Secondly, make strategic decisions that maximize expected value. A sound strategic analysis by a company's operating units should produce informed responses to whether the strategy can create value. However, most companies that manage earnings are almost bound to break this principle.
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